1.In Microprocessor more op-codes, few bit handling instructions. But in Microcontroller: fewer op- codes, more bit handling Instructions, and also it is defined as a device that includes micro processor, memory, & input / output signal lines on a single chip.
2.The basic difference between the microprocessor and
microcontroller is that we can interface a microcontroller
directly means "for example we can directly connect a
keyboard to microcontroller to any of its ports"....where
as for microprocessor we can't interface directly...we
require a circuit board since it requires
3.Microprocessors generally require external components to
implement program memory, ram memory and Input/output.
Intel's 8086, 8088, and 80386 are examples of microprocessors.
Micro controllers incorporate program memory, ram memory and
input/output resources internal to the chip. Microchip's pic
series and Atmel's AVR series are examples of micro controllers.
4.in microprocessor few pins are multifunctioned whereas n
case of microcontroller large number of pins are
5. Microprocessor is used for general purposes, whereas
microcontroller is used for single purpose only...
6.microprocessor uses down counting hence count value is given by:
count value = required time/time period of 1 clock pulse
but in case of microcontroller as it uses up counting count value is given by:
final value- (required time/time period of 1 clock pulse)+1
+1 is added to rollover the count value to 0.